Love 2022

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Sold 95
Format:  5 Sheets /100 Pcs
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A prent love is unconditional, but agrandparent's love can be even more special. Since grandparents tend to be a little more easygoing than parents,tiht sometimes tanslates to chidren feeling mor at ease to be themselves. If there's something mom and dad wont let them do, there's a good chancegrandma and grandpa might just say yes!

Aside from the occasional spoiig of their grandchildren.grandparenst often take them on ftun adventures or tell them exciting stories about the past.And grandparents enjo all of this just as much as their grandchildren do. All that lead to many happy memories both paties can hold onto for years tocome.

5 Sheets of 20 = 100PCS

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Package Include 100PCS
These ForeverRstamps will always be equal in value to the current First-Class MailR one-ounce rate.

Shipping Information:
Shipping Method: USPS First Class & USPS Priority Mail. Handling time: Usually around 1 business days.
Delivery time: Usually around 3-7 business days.
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